Each year the friars of the Province gather for Community Week. This year’s Community Week was held at the Serra Retreat House in Malibu, CA. Two days were devoted to the study of Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si, under the guidance of Brothers Keith Warner, OFM, and James Lockman, OFM. A morning of recollection was conducted by Fr. Ken Lavarone, OFM on “Greccio at 800 Years.” On Thursday afternoon, we had a Mass celebrated by Father Thomas Czeck, who is observing his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood. During the Mass, four friars renewed their vows: Fr. Luke Vu, 25 years of First Profession; Fr. Peter Mallin, 40 years of First Profession; Fr. Christopher Deitz, 40 years of Solemn Profession, and Fr. Paul Fazio, 50 years of Solemn Profession. Two Friars who were unable to attend also observed anniversaries: Fr. Anthony Howard, 40 years of Solemn Profession; and Father Ronald Olson, our First Provincial, 65 years of Ordination.