Our Ministries
Friars have no specific ministry, other than the call Jesus gave to St. Francis, "Go and Repair My Church." Friars give of themselves in service to the Church as God calls them to do. In the Province of Saint Joseph of Cupertino
we serve in PARISHES,
and in OTHER Ministries.
Our PARISH Ministries
We serve in parishes as a community of friars. Typically friars serving in parishes live in communities of from 4 to 6 Friars. Friars serving in parishes can be both priests and brothers. Priests serve in sacramental ministry in addition to the many other ways a brother may; that is, in religious education, teaching, administration, service to the poor, the arts, worship, counseling and more. All friars bring their gifts, and join the team of friars and lay ministers, serving for the good of the Church. Our parishioners tell us that a Franciscan Parish is different, mainly because the friars are "Working together", they are "Down to earth", "Approachable" and "Joyful".
Visit the websites of our parishes for the latest information.
Our CHAPLAINCY Ministries
Priests and brothers serve as chaplains to prisons, hospitals, the military, police and fire departments. Currently Brother Andres Amador OFM Conv., serves at the California State Hospital, Coalinga, CA, Fr. John Farao OFM Conv., serves at California Men's Colony in San Luis Obisbo, CA, Fr. Peter Mallin OFM Conv., serves at Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center in Torrance, CA. Friars serving as chaplains still live in a friary, that is, a community of friars with whom they live, pray, eat and celebrate the Eucharist.
Our TEACHING Ministries
Priests and brothers can teach too. Many have served as elementary and high school teachers, and as university professors. Currently Brother Chris Saindon OFM Conv., teaches English and religion at Our Lady of Grace Catholic School in Castro Valley, CA and Fr. Francisco Nahoe OFM Conv., is a professor of rhetoric and director of admissions at Zaytuna College in Berkeley, CA. Friars who teach live in a community of friars nearby their ministry, with whom they pray, eat, and celebrate the Eucharist.
Learn more about where our friars teach.
Our OTHER Ministries
Priests and brothers can minister in almost any way outside of the above ministries. Currently Fr. Masseo Gonzalez OFM Conv., is founder and director of El Padrecito Ministries evangelizing through music and arts to our youth and young adults. Brother Jerry Payne OFM Conv., is serving in the Missions in Kakooge Uganda, Brother Mark Folger OFM Conv, is serving the order in Rome, and Friars Luke Vu OFM Conv., Tammylee Ngo OFM Conv., and James Pham OFM Conv., are serving in our Vietnam Mission. Fr. Robert Herbst OFM Conv., is the judicial vicar of the Diocese of Los Vega, Nevada, Friar Kevin Schindler-McGraw is director of ongoing formation for the Priests of the Diocese of Oakland, while serving part time as an associate in a diocesan parish. Friar Joseph Kim is Campus Minister at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Additionally, other friars serve in province administration, and formation of our friars. Again, friars involved in these and all our ministries, live in community with other friars.
Videos of our Friars in Ministry (use menu at top right to watch more)
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