Remembering Friar Casimir Cypher

June 25, marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of Friar Casimir CYPHER, OFM Conv. (December 1, 1941- June 25, 1975).

We continue to pray for the canonization of Friar Casimir. He is being promoted as an icon of Gospel commitment because of his love of God, his love of the people whom he died serving, and his love of Creation which he had hoped to promote.

A Franciscan with the Littleness of a Child, Simple, and Willing to Serve

On June 25, 1975, Friar Casimir Cypher OFM Conv., drove his borrowed pickup into the city of Juticalpa for repairs. He was unaware that the National Union of Campesinos had organized a demonstration that day for better implementation of land reform legislation. Hearing gunshots, Fr. Casimir ran toward the commotion.

Knowing that he was a priest, soldiers arrested him. He was stripped in the town square, ridiculed, and beaten. Along with another priest, Fr. Ivan Betancort, two of Fr. Ivan’s companions, and ten campesino leaders, Friar Casimir was brutally tortured and executed. His body and those of the others killed with him were then thrown into a deep well and dynamited in an attempt to cover up the massacre.

Friar Casimir Cypher along with thirteen other people, was brutally humiliated, savagely tortured, and killed. His body was thrown down a well. Friar Casimir was only 34 years old. Read more about the life of Friar Casimir

Remembering Friar Casimir Cypher

On June 17-25, 2024, friars from the Custody of Mary, Mother of Mercy in Central America, conducted a series of events on the 49th anniversary of Friar Casimir’s murder that were celebrated with the faithful of the Diocese of Juticalpa, Olancho Department, Honduras.

For the past three years, Friar Juan Alonzo Pagoada Acosta, Vice-Postulator of the cause of friar Casimir’s canonization, has listened to witnesses who knew Friar Casimir. Read more about Fr. Juan’s reflection on listening to witnesses at