From January 1-5, 2025, The Vocation Directors of the Conventual Franciscan Friars in the USA hosted a booth at the recent SEEK Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Thousands of college students and FOCUS Missionaries from across the country attended the annual event, a chance to experience solemn liturgies, engaging speakers, encouraging workshops, and a plethora of vendors from universities, ministries, merchants, Religious Communities, and volunteer opportunities.

Br. Bernard Mary Fonkalsrud OFM Conv. with a conference attendee
The Conventual Franciscans were represented by four of the Vocation Directors, including Br. Bernard Mary Fonkalsrud OFM Conv. from the St. Bonaventure Province in the Midwest:
“Though it is natural to feel exhausted after constant engagement in deep conversations and answering complex questions over five days straight, it has also been so spiritually enriching to witness the faith alive in these young people so on-fire with the Holy Spirit, and earnestly searching for where it is the Lord is calling them to love and serve Him, perhaps as a Franciscan Friar. Having this occasion to promote Vocations to the Order and our life of prayer, fraternity, and service, has been a wonderful experience, and a number of young, earnest, men have expressed an interest in learning more and even look forward to attending future ‘Come & See’ opportunities.” – Br. Bernard Mary Fonkalsrud OFM Conv.
Also present at SEEK 2025, as shown in the above group photo, is Fr. Paul Gawlowski, OFM Conv. from the St. Joseph of Cupertino Province.Fr. Paul is a Pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church (OLG) in Hermosa and was joined by a group of men and women from OLG ranging in age from 8 to 60 plus. At OLG all efforts and energy are on evangelization, building a spiritual church as Jesus commissioned to go proclaim the Gospel and go make disciples. The “Making Missionary Disciples Track” at the SEEK conference provided a dedicated program designed for parish leaders, religious individuals, and lay Catholics of all ages to learn how to actively share their faith and inspire others to become “missionary disciples” within their communities essentially equipping them to actively evangelize and bring others closer to Christ through discipleship.
A Prayer for Young Adults
“Heavenly Father, we pray for the hearts of college students on campus, that they may be open to experiencing your love and truth through the ministry of your FOCUS missionaries. Guide them to meaningful encounters with Christ, grant them courage to explore their faith, and surround them with supportive communities that will help them grow closer to You. May the missionaries be effective instruments of your grace, sharing the Gospel with compassion and clarity, and leading students to a deeper relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
SEEK is a national conference held annually by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), a worldwide organization that aims to help college students grow in their faith and connect with the Catholic Church.