Friars John Farao OFM Conv., and Alfonso Borgen OFM Conv., renewed their vows during a Mass at our annual Community Week at St. Joseph of Cupertino Friary in Castro Valley, CA. Friar John is celebrating 30 years of solemn profession of vows, and Friar Alfonso is celebrating 25 years of solemn profession. The celebration was the climax of our week together where we began the work to prepare for our Province Chapter next summer, by laying the groundwork for our strategic plan for the future. The Mass where Friar John and Alfonso renewed their vows into the hands of Fr. John Heinz OFM Conv., our Provincial, was celebrated by Fr. Alphonse Van Guilder OFM Conv., who reflected on his over 60 years of Solemn Profession as a Friar Minor Conventual! Fr. Alphonse shared that over the years, he has grown in appreciation of the support of his Conventual Franciscan brothers. He has learned to recognize the goodness of the friars, and testified to the inspiration they have been to him. (We in turn, were reminded of the great support and witness Fr. Alphonse has been to us and God’s people!)