As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we give God all glory and praise.
When Jesus instituted the Eucharist, he established it as an act of thanksgiving. “Eucharist” is derived from the Greek word “eucharisteo” meaning “to give thanks.” Our Catholic faith teaches us that the Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life”. Ultimately, as Catholics, we recognize that everything good comes from the Lord.
May this prayer of thanks help you celebrate the multitude of blessings God has given you.

A Prayer of Gratitude
“Wherever we are, in every place,
at every hour, at every time,
every day and continually,
let all of us truly and humbly believe,
hold in our heart,
love, honor, adore, serve, praise
bless, glorify, exalt, magnify
and give thanks to the Most High
and Supreme Eternal God,
Trinity and Unity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:
to Him who is Creator of all,
Savior of all,
without beginning or end,
unchangeable, invisible,
indescribable, ineffable,
unfathomable, blessed,
praiseworthy, glorious, exalted,
sublime, most high, gentle,
lovable, delightful and, above all else,
desirable, for ever and ever.”
–St. Francis of Assisi (1181 – 1226)
May God bless you and give you His Peace!
We wish you and your families Peace and All Good!