In the late afternoon of December 8, the Solemnity of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was presided over by Fr. Joseph Luan Chinh Nguyen, with the concelebration of Fr. Joseph Long Van Tran Provincial Custos and the priestly Friars and all student friars at Saint Anthony Friary, the Seminary of the Provincial Custody. It was in the Holy Mass that the Militia of the Immaculata Movement solemnly celebrated the Patroness and have two new members consecrated to the Immaculata and received the Holy Medal: Friar Joachim Vinh Van Pham and Peter Mary Vu Minh Tran.
The movement of the Military of The Immaculate Conception (MI) of the Blessed Virgin Mary was officially approved to have its blessed beginning at the first Custodial Chapter of the Provincial Custody of Saint Francis Anthony Fasani in VietNam last April of 2021. The MI is a faculty of the Evangelization Department of which Friar Joseph Luan Chinh Nguyen was elected to be in charge by the Custodial Chapter. Friar Joseph Luan had been the first friar in the Custody made the Consecration to the Immaculata of the International MI around 7 years ago with the guidance and witness of Father Thomas Czech who came to Vietnam from the Province to receive the vows of the friars as the Delegation of father Provincial.
With the blessings of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the members of the MI in the Custody are reaching the number of 10 friars at this moment. The Executive Board consists of three friars: John Baptist The Pham Nguyen, Joseph Cuong Hung Nguyen and Joseph Bernardino Thanh Duc Hoang. The important goals set for the MI in the years of 2023 and 2024 are to study the MI spirituality and the operation of the movement, then to spread the spirit of MI to lay people in the years afterward.

Right to the left: Joseph Cuong Hung Nguyen, Bernardino Thanh Duc Hoang, Joachim Vinh Van Pham, Peter Vu Minh Tran, John Baptist The Pham Nguyen (Two new consecrated members with the Executive Board of MI).